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  • Makanan dan Minuman yang Perlu Dihindari Pengidap Pankreatitis

Makanan dan Minuman yang Perlu Dihindari Pengidap Pankreatitis

Makanan dan Minuman yang Perlu Dihindari Pengidap Pankreatitis
Ilustrasi gorengan. Credit: Freepik

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Pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the pancreas. In general, this inflammation is the result of extensive alcohol consumption or gallstones. Avoiding certain foods and beverages during pancreatitis can mitigate the progression of inflammation and expedite the healing process.


Why do people with pancreatitis need to maintain their diet?

The pancreas organ is responsible for the production of insulin and digestive enzymes. Inflammation of the pancreas prevents the body from producing digestive enzymes that are necessary for the absorption of nutrients from food.

This condition can result in weight loss and a lack of nutrition over time. Selectively selecting the foods and drinks that you consume may help reduce the pancreas' workload.

Following a diet for those with pancreatitis offers several advantages, such as:

  • Prevents the reoccurrence of pancreatic inflammation symptoms
  • Protects from harm to further organs, such as the kidneys
  • Regulate blood glucose levels and mitigate the risk of developing diabetes

Patients with mild pancreatitis should generally avoid this form of food preservation. Even though it can help prevent pancreatic damage from worsening, doctors believe that keeping a diet alone is insufficient; it must be combined with suitable medicine and a healthy lifestyle.

Read more: Foods And Drinks That Need To Be Avoided After The Operation Of An Empedu Content


Foods and drinks that people with pancreatitis should avoid

Pancreatic inflammation can cause poor food digestion and back pain. Maintaining your diet can help prevent symptoms from returning. If you have pancreatic health issues, you should avoid the following foods and drinks:


High-fat foods

Pancreatitis patients should reduce fat consumption. Chronic pancreatitis patients are advised to reduce their fat consumption to 50 grams per day. Some people may need to eliminate more fat, up to 30 grams per day, depending on their health condition, height and weight, and body tolerance for fatty foods.

Some high-fat foods to avoid include:

  • High-fat dairy products.
  • Fried foods, including French fries, as well as processed items like nuggets
  • Greasy snacks, such as potato chips
  • High-fat condiments, such as mayonnaise

You can replace your fat intake with healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty salmon, and olive oil.


Sugary foods

Aside from fatty foods, people with pancreatitis should avoid foods high in sugar. Foods high in sugar can make the pancreas work harder to produce insulin. Examples of high-sugar foods to avoid include:

  • Flour bread
  • Pasta 
  • Sweet snacks such as candy and cookies
  • Desserts are high in sugar, especially those made from milk, such as ice cream 
  • Canned beverages


Alcoholic beverages

Excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for pancreatitis. Alcohol use can raise triglyceride levels, forcing the pancreas to work harder and causing chronic pancreatitis.


Pancreatitis patients should eat foods high in protein and increase their consumption of fiber and antioxidants. Some recommended foods are:

  • Green vegetable
  • Berries
  • Whole grains
  • Beans, lentils
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Low-fat poultry products, such as skinless chicken
  • Fish

Pancreatitis patients should not only follow a diet, but also lead a healthy lifestyle that includes quitting smoking and making sure their bodies consume enough fluids.

It is possible for acute pancreatitis to progress to chronic pancreatitis, which increases the possibility of nutritional deficits. Choosing foods that support pancreatic health can help lower the chance of severe pancreatic inflammation.

If you suffer from pancreatitis, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store. 


Looking for more information about nutrition, food, and other diet tips? Click here!

Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Senin, 24 Juni 2024 | 09:01